Tuesday, March 27, 2012

1 Week to Go!

Welcome to my blog! As I try to fathom how I will manage to pack for a month's worth of traveling, I also have to get everything else organized at work and in DC before I take off on this cross country adventure.

At least I've got one check mark done on my list...instead of Flat Stanley, my work bought me an Alexander Hamilton bobble head as a going away gift. I am ordered to take pictures of Mr. Hamilton at all stops on this bus tour. (I work at Hamilton Place Strategies - the street that runs from The White House to The U.S. Treasury Department and as many of you should know Alexander Hamilton was the 1st U.S. Secretary of the Treasury.)

With less than a week to go I am busy with preparations and to-do lists. Good news is one of my co-workers, Kate, will be joining me on the bus for the first couple of cities to make sure I have everything I need and to get a sense of what my capabilities will be while I am on the road. Once I get my final schedule I will be sure to post it on my blog so you can see where I will be traveling to and from.


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